Sharepoint solutions




2012SDD Deploy document based processes with you suppliers, distribute to all, one or some according to your needs, deploy suppliers in one click.
2012BAS Company Extranet for BAS Company.
2013ConbidProof of concept: Aggregate the whole supply chain needs in materials and dispatch the material allocation to each supply chain node.
2013Project MonitoringAutomated project hierarchy and provisioning based on knowledge base, secured distributed reporting at companies level, automated indicator and dashboards aggregation at company project and program levels
2014ProvisioningUser management portal for BoostAeroSpace
2014 - 2016CheopsQuality Document Management System portal
2016ECNProof of concept for innovation in collaborative document management.
2018Air ServicesProof of concept for GIFAS "Commission service client".
2021 to 2023SMART StandardProof of concept.

For a demonstration, please contact VĂ©ronique DUBILLOT